You may have noticed a change to our normal program recently. Good Morning Country which plays each morning from 5.00 am and the Mike McColl Show which broadcasts on a Saturday afternoon have been off the air for 2 weeks at the beginning of May, with a playlist aired in their place.
The reason for this is that these programs are brought in via a satellite feed and the Triple U satellite has been getting some urgent repair work.
Adrian Booth – Triple U FM’s technical manager who understands all that goes on behind the scenes at Triple U diagnosed and managed the repairs. With the help of Blake, another of our valuable technicians at Triple U, who doesn’t mind heights, as well as a local aerial engineer, we got it sorted!
All this is to say that we have now had the repairs to the satellite done and we will be able to return to normal programming.
Triple U is your listener-supported community radio station working hard to always keep you, our listeners always informed on what’s happening in the Shoalhaven region.
Please ensure Triple U FM continues to be our region’s local voice by giving your best gift today. Click the Donate button at the top of the page. All donations go towards keeping the lights on and the equipment in working order but more importantly it allows Triple U to provide the best community radio in the Shoalhaven.